06 January 2014

Marlene Dietrich, Mad Hatter! 1936 - 1937 Edition

(Costumes from: DesireAngel and A Knight Without Armour. Candids show Marlene in  Los Angeles, New York, London and Salzburg.)


  1. Oh, how I would like to wear them all!
    But one will do...just one...
    Keep up the great work, Miss LaDiva!
    Warmth from Dublin, Truly DiVine

  2. Hey, Joseph!
    I finally sniffed out the hats! ha ha You know how much I love crazy hats so this was a treat. We just need Shirley Temple here to give some snark. Marlene certainly could wear anything but I have to admit some of these are a bit strange and don't make her look her best.
    A fun look back at some of her choices though.
    I hope you're doing well in this new year.
